Cannot get MBCs to show in search when adding

I’m new to using Scoutbook and am trying to assign an MBC for a scout. I can look at his profile via our Troop roster (he is also an ASM) and find him when I search for local MBCs, and he shows as active and for the right merit badge (Safety). But when I try to search for him in the ‘add connection’ so I can invite him as the scout’s MBC, I always get “no results found.” I have yet to ever get a results when searching to add a connection, even when I am trying to add myself and copy/pasting ID number, email, name, etc. direct from the profile. I’ve tried numerous combinations of name, ID, email, extending to all councils, un-checking ‘MBC only’ and entering city and state, all to no avail. Am I doing something wrong or is there a configuration issue I need to look into?

@DavidAbles - they may already be connected so check the scout connections yo see if that asm is listed. If so then edit that connection to check the mbc check box

He wasn’t already listed, but I did find a solution, which was to just go to the scout’s profile, then to connections, and then add from there. When I did that it worked fine, but if I went into that scout’s advancement page and chose the merit badge, then the search turned up nothing.

@DavidAbles - this generally indicates that the person you are searching for is already a part of your unit. Try searching for me as an MBC

@DavidAbles what is the MBCs BSA#?

The MBC in question is NAME REMOVED (7198739). When I tried to add him from the Scout’s connection lists it worked fine. But when I went through scout >> Advancement >> Merit Badge >> Invite MBC the search came up empty.

Our Troop has not used Scoutbook as our day-to-day management tool, and one of the first calls I made as our new Scoutmaster was to switch over to it from TroopMaster. So it’s possible that our Unit isn’t 100% setup in full compliance, as I would have expected all of our ASMs who were MBCs to have some connection to our Troop’s scouts already.

@DavidAbles please do not post names - what is the MB in question??

Only Admins have automatic connections to Scouts in SB - ASMs have no connections to scouts as that is up to the unit to determine. Easiest to see under Unit > Roster > Connection Manager

MB in question is Safety, and thanks for the note about names. (It’s now all set and the MBC was able to sign off the two scouts in question.) I’ll do a deeper dive into Scoutbook Unit admin over the weekend, and we have some folks on our committee willing to help with the data-entry side of migration that we’ll make a point of doing this summer.

On like Camping (etc) Log - what I did was if Scout had 43 Nights in Troopmaster - I made one event with 43 Nights, as opposed to making all the individual campouts, that works for most things other than OA elections