Cannot input or update medical form dates

Yeah, the profile information was moved off of Scoutbook interface to the IA2 interface about a month ago now (August 9, 2022 Scoutbook Updates). As a result, the Quick Entry interface that used to work for that information (via the Feature Assistant Extension, I think) will no longer work, as it essentially automated the series of button clicks to execute the changes. Thus, with no Scoutbook interface to update the information, the extension can’t “reach” the information.

I’m a big advocate of subscribing to the Scoutbook, IA2 and other change log categories. I wouldn’t know half of what’s going on without it. You can subscribe by going to the category at the top level, the clicking on the bell icon to set it to “Watching”. It will email updates to that category. Only the SUAC posts to the changelogs, so there aren’t a ton of messages to inundate your inbox.