Committee Member unable to update Medical a/b and c date on profile of own child

We have a committee member designated to update medical dates in scoutbook for each scout. She has edit profile privilege for all scouts in our girl troop and boy troop.
She is able to edit this date for everyone in each troop except for her own children. (Which she has full edit privilege for as the parent).

@KristaHolmes - there is a drop down in IA that needs to be used to switch from unit to parent.

She was in the unit drop down. Selecting scouts from the roster, when she clicked on her own kids from the unit roster it would show the parent view while in the unit drop down and the medical fields are not editable in the parent view.

We found a work around. There is a different profile option in the upper right corner on the parent view that allowed us to navigate to the profile options we needed. It was not intuitive though and really the parent view should not pop up if in the unit drop down.

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