I upload advancement reports from trooptrack to scoutbook plus. I have a few scouts with incorrect ranks listed. I looked back and see that I had succesfully uploaded two reports in June. My trooptrack reports show the rank advancement but it is not reflected in scoutbook. I don’t care so much if any adventures didn’t upload but I want the scouts to have the correct rank.
Using this scout as an example. Troop track report shows Bear rank. Scoutbook shows that reports were successfully updated. However, scout rank did not change to Bear, he’s still a Wolf. I can’t figure out how to manually update it. There are more scouts like this with the same issue.
Note I am signed in as a key 3 delegate.
@MeganMay1 - are the scouts in the correct den levels in advancements.scouting.org?
@MeganMay1 Please do not post images with Scouts names or personal information. I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC) - all SUAC needs is a BSA # to look at information
It might have failed as the First name in Registration was not used, and a Nick name was used.
That was my kiddo. Wouldn’t have posted other kids info. There are other kids who have the same issues that do not have nicknames.
See the Direct message in the top right by the Green M Circle - should be a green envelope
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And to manually add ranks/rank adventures you would need to organize the dens into the correct level in Scoutbook +
@MeganMay1 I would suggest trying the upload again also