I have dutifully recorded 19 merit badges and 2 awards for our troop, and now want to print out the Advancement Report so I can buy the badges. So I click Run Report > Advancement Report, but I get a screen that says “Please approve at least one advancement before running the Advancement Report” and there’s a box where I can view previous Advancement Reports, but there are no Advancement Reports listed for today. All badges were Approved and saved, and I can run an Advancement History Report that does show all the newly entered badges. Any ideas on how I can get the Advancement Report to print? I’m running Firefox 79.0 on a MacBook running macOS Mojave 10.14.3.
Same exact Issue here last night. Recorder 5 Ranks and 45+ Merit Badges into the system. Haven’t had issues in the past, was able to access reports just fine, download and print without problems.
I know sometimes i would have to wait until the next morning for it to update, but, it was always there. Finish my report last night around 10PM, just checked on it and there is nothing.
Waiting to see …
Yes, thanks Stephen, that’s the screen I see as well. I was logged in to Scoutbook when recording these advancement records and trying to print the report. This morning I’ve tried restarting Firefox and logging in to Scoutbook again–no change, and logged out. Then restarted Firefox again and logged in to my.scouting.org and tried that route, same problem. Using Safari instead of Firefox produced the same results. Is there some way to get technical assistance with Scoutbook or for Internet Advancement?
The Developers are looking into this now
Great news–thank you!
@DarcyKendall - what I was pointing out is that you can get the report from scoutbook.com until the issue at scoutbook.scouting.org is fixed.
Problem solved–thank you! Advancement Report generated and printed just fine via scoutbook.scouting.org.
I want to delete a report and start over as I generated something that had a year’s worth of awards. Can a report be deleted, then allowed to update scoutbook, edit, etc. and then rerun an accurate report?
@HeideXitco You can close or delete Purchase Orders. It all depends on what you are trying to do.