Can't change default email, but apparently only once account I can see

BSA ID: 13365244
ScoutBook ID: 10152093

I can’t find a second BSA account for this parent turned leader, but ScoutBook won’t let me change their email address in profile so that I can invite them to ScoutBook. It says that the (real) email address is already being used. Their original ID would have been a long time ago by paper as just a parent, so my records don’t have. (We are in the middle of finally moving to ScoutBook)

@JoshSteinhurst this is fixed

Thanks! I suspect we will have a stream of requests as we get our accounts cleaned up after years of paper applications. Here are three more that appear from the outside to be similar:

Adult A: (Both a parent and a leader)
BSA: 133548628
ScoutBook: 11310425

Adult B: (Just a leader)
BSA: 13585538
ScoutBook: 11395478

Adult C: (Just a parent)
BSA: 14061741
ScoutBook: 12245448

This leader has Google sign in turned on, so she needs to use the “Sign in with Google” button, Google name, and Google password. This leader appears to be using the same e-mail address as a spouse, so they might see a warning message when they log in.

This should be fixed.

This is fixed. The parent is using the same e-mail as her Scout, so they might see an error message when they log in.

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