Can't download report

I ran an advancement report went to print it and now I can’t access either. All I get is:

Please log onto your account and try again, or report this to the forums (81).

Logged out, cleared cache, logged in. Still nothing.

Also tried from a different computer. Same thing.

Now I can’t get into scout book.

You are not setup yet for the BSA Single-Sign-On (SSO) so your use of Scoutbook is limited. All users who have not setup SSO by Feb 1st, 2019 will no longer be able to use Scoutbook. Setup is easy. Just go to your Scoutbook My Account page and click on the link Setup SSO.
Setup SSO
In order to continue using Scoutbook you must setup a my.Scouting account. Please review the options below.

I use Google to log in and it won’t let me put in a password separately.


Are you using the Google Login button to get into Scoutbook? This is how your ID is setup.

Yes. Now the SSO error is gone but it still won’t download reports.

“Please log onto your account and try again, or report this to the forums (81).”

I’m advancement chair. Committee chair was able to get the report from his computer.

Did you just recharter? Advancement chair has to be reset every year

Yes. I’ll have the committee chair check. Thanks!