Help entering Palm Requirements

I opened a case about this before see case 311682 titled " Quick Entry for entering Eagle Palm Requirements. The scout who earned all merit badges has earned Eagle. As mentioned in the previous case the quick entry for palms is not working, so i have to mark 4 requirements for each palm individually. He has 23 palms, so that is 92 requirement that I have to mark completed if quick entry does not work. Would appreciate some help getting all the palm requirements marked in his scout record. His BSA id is 132476404

Just click on percent complete, enter the completion date, check leader approved and click save. You don’t have to enter all of the underlying requirements.

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That doesn’t work. See previous case. It gives the error must wait 3 months from the time scout earned their eagle rank.

It works fine if you do the palms in order and use the EBOR date for all earned palms (or the date Eagle was approved which should be EBOR date)

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If these were palms earned with Eagle, two conditions MUST be satisfied in order to enter them into Scoutbook:

  1. Eagle must be approved. This can only be done by the BSA, not by the unit. It typically takes a few weeks after the Eagle Board of Review for this to happen.
  2. You must use the completion date of the Eagle rank as recorded in Scoutbook as the completion date of the Palm. Any other date will trigger the 3 month check.
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Thanks, it worked! Will make this process so much easier.

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