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Using “Unit Quick Entry” in Scoutbook Plus (advancements.scouting.org) I was able to record the 5 required adventures for a Lion Den completed in the 2023-2024 school year on the old 2016 program. However, when trying to add “Rumble in the Jungle”, I get the “success” popup and green checkmark, but the elective doesn’t appear on any scout’s profile. When I add “Build it Up Knock It Down” again with the 2016 version, that just returns an error.
Hopefully you will fix this, but any workarounds I should try in the meantime? I am the Committee Chair and seem to have all the required permissions. Thanks in advance!
The 2016 program is only available until 8/31/24. Because of this no bugs with a workaround will be fixed. You will need to go to each Scout’s advancement page to add old program adventures.
The Unit Quick Entry is very promising (I’m trying to clean up the awards from our end of year court of honor), but is the plan to be able to use this to also record the rank award as well?
I really want my Advancement Report to be useful, but I need a way to mark dozens of adventures as awarded, not just approved, otherwise the report is noise until I spend a lot of time I don’t have to clean it up. Hopefully the plan is to give us a way to mark everything for a den (or at least a scout) as awarded?
I see there is a pretty firm policy about not providing import any template file formats to end users, if that is the case the ability to do these batch updates (to award the next rank and mark things as awarded) in the web UI is really important for usability and adoption.
@CarlosCapellan - it is supposed to be immediate recognition not wait until the end of the year.
A Cub Scout who has completed advancement should be
congratulated immediately and publicly. And though badges
of rank should be reserved for the next pack meeting, it is
best to present items such as belt loops and pins soon after
they have been earned.