Can't Set E-Mail Address on Scoutbook Account

Can’t update my email on SB with the one in my.scouting. BSA member ID
129054671, thanks!

@FrankHughes You had 2 Scoutbook accounts. I have merged them.

When you log in to Scoutbook or my.scouting, please use your my.scouting username and password – not your e-mail address.

Thank you, but I never use my email, just my username and password, the same as I have used for my.scouting. In SB, after I select to change my email, it tells me I can’t because it’s already been created and not approved by my unit leaders (I’m part of the unit Top3); however, it recommends to log out and try logging in with my email and changing it, but this doesn’t work.

Your e-mail matches between my.scouting and Scoutbook. However, it looks like your Scout is also using the same e-mail in Scoutbook, which is not supported. Would you like me to remove his e-mail in Scoutbook?

I am having a similar problem, trying to get everyone on board with scoutbook. One of my adult leaders, when we attempt to enter his e-mail address, it tells us that his address is already associated with another account. When I attempted to search for that other account by e-mail address, the only one I get returned to me is the correct one, however it doesn’t have his e-mail listed. Member #7572076, Stephen Baker.

@JohnFoottit Your leader’s Scoutbook accounts have been merged.

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