Different Emails for my.scouting and Scoutbook

I have two email addresses associated with my scouting BSA#.

First I was scout parent and signed up via my.scouting and established my user name, password and personal email address.

Now I have become a Den Leader and the email for Scoutbook is my work email address which I do not want.

I was able to complete the SSO profile.

I am trying to change the emails for both to my personal email address.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → E-mail to change your e-mail address in Scoutbook.

Will that work if she already has another Scoutbook account with that email address? I thought she would need to merge her accounts first.

The original request mentions a different e-mail address in Scoutbook and my.scouting.org. If there is only one Scoutbook account, this can be fixed as I described earlier. If there are multiple Scoutbook accounts will need to do something else. Once we understand the scope of the issue, we can decide how best to proceed.

I tried to change the Scoutbook email address following your steps above and put in my personal email but it says account already exists and won’t let me.

I think I do need to do something else. I don’t know if merge is the correct because I don’t see a second BSA account - just two email addresses.

Thank you.


I sent you a private message so we can collect the information we need to find both of your accounts in the database and clean things up for you. Click on the T in the redish circle in the upper right of your screen.

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