Recently changed positions within pack from Committee Member to CC. When signed in to Scoutbook Plus I am unable to toggle to the option for Committee Chair, I am still listed as Committee Member. I receive an error message each time I login that my membership needs to be renewed. “VIEW” shows Committee Member and Parent Roles, but lists 2 more positions available but no way to select those positions! Please help!
Is your CC registration showing up at my.scouting yet? That is where (I think) SB+ draws those roles in the pulldown menu from.
Yes, on my.scouting CC shows up as my Registered Position.
Hrm. The system is supposed to pull the permissions based on the “highest” access role available. It seems odd that committee member is still showing up if you were moved to CC.
Does forcing a reload (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+R) in SB+ resolve the issue?
If not, take a look in Scoutbook to see if your CC position has shown up. If so, try putting an end date on your Committee Member position in Scoutbook (if it’s not already ended). I wonder if having both roles is confusing the system.
Thank you, I am happy to hear I am on the right track.
I have tried a force reload, clearing my cache, logging out of all browsers, restarted computer, tried accessing via different browsers (chrome vs safari) as well as trying to access via mobile device.
On Scoutbook Plus I can only view the pages for Committee Member or Parent so I can’t see if the CC position is viewable. Only that I have other positions I can’t access. Can you tell me how to look in Scoutbook to see if CC position has shown up? has both positions, but Committee Member already has an end date.
I apologize for being unclear in my earlier post. I meant to look at “old” Scoutbook ( in your Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Positions to see if the roles there had correctly updated. I was wondering if the roles there were interfering.
It’s good to know that the MC role has been ended in my.scouting. It’s also helpful to know that you’ve already chased down most of the “usual suspects” (old cache, browser & settings, add-ons, etc).
Maybe one of the SUAC volunteers can see more, since they can look up information from your BSA ID in the back end.
Thank you! It looks like those roles have updated. CC is Current - but there is no key icon next to it. Not sure if that should be there? Thank you for your help!
It’s odd that the pack admin role ended. You might try adding that back. The den admin position will become unnecessary then.
Thank you - I think I will have to have CubMaster or CoR make that change.
Pack Admin is not showing up on the +add scouting position options dropdown menu.
You won’t be able to add it in yourself. You should automatically have it as CC, but obviously it didn’t “take”. Like you suggested, the COR, the CM, or any other Unit (Pack) Admin for your unit should be able to remove the end date and get it set up again for you. Hopefully that fixes your problem both in Scoutbook and SB+.
@TaylorHacker Council left your MC position CURRENT with an end date of 5/31/24 and added the Chair position - so you are in a Grace period for the MC position - I imagine that is causing the issues
Thank you! Do you happen to know how long that grace period will last?
we are discussing IF it is the grace period or not
Is there anyway that I would be able to tell if it is a grace period? Or any other contacts or channels that anyone can refer me to reach out to? I’m new to SB+ (and SB), and am at a roadblock. I have tried my pack admins, our CoR, council admin, friendly SB council contacts, google, reddit and the forum. The Pack Admin role has been added back and is visible on SB - still no change on SB+. I was hoping it might just take a few hours to sync, so far no luck. Thank you!
roles in SB take 24-48 hours to appear in SB+ - give it some time
Hi @TaylorHacker,
About the grace period:
I believe the new person renewal system BSA is in the process of implementing is causing folks to have “expired” positions, rather than “ended” positions, when they change from one registered position to another.
Expired positions have a grace period. Things are a bit complicated due to the BSA membership database not tracking the date of the month. When a position is expired, it is effective as of the last day of the previous month - expiring a position today (6/16) will result in an effective expiring date of 5/31. The grace period is two months. In this example, the grace period ends 8/01, An overnight sync will remove the position from the unit roster on 8/02.
I don’t know how this grace period affects permissions for Key 3 positions. It does complicate the COR /COR delegate process to change folk’s unit level registrations. If a person is in a position that allows only one, you’re still in the position during your grace period. Your replacement might not be able to be added until your grace period runs out. The council registrar can override this.
While in the grace period, folks are included in the training reports. Data is not accurate for ~two months.
When you select a position with your unit, are you able to operate as a Key 3 in Scoutbook Plus? The developers are telling me you should have access as Committee Chair even though the role you are being presented says Committee Member.
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