I have not been able to view my advancements, connections to online merit badge counselors that my parents added, or progess on my Merit Badges on both Scoutbook app and online through scoutbook.scouting.org. This has not been working since April 20. What do I need to do to be able to view this?
@WilliamPratt I see log ins to SB - none to app. Are you clicking the “Sign in with Google”?
@WilliamPratt Your troop registration expired 12/31/2021. It looks like there might be an issue with the troop’s recharter.
Yes, I am clicking on Sign In Google.
Oh no! How is that going to affect the merit badges and NOVA projects that I have been working on? Will I have to start all over again.
Your work doesn’t “expire”, and rechartering issues are pretty commonplace, so I wouldn’t sweat the delay. You just need to coordinate with your SM to get your registration straightened out.
Most likely they are already aware of the delay in rechartering and trying to coordinate with the council registrar to get it wrapped up. It’s also possible that a rechartering error resulted in you being dropped, so talking to your SM could be helpful in getting it fixed.
Thank you so much! I will talk to my SM tomorrow. Thanks so much.
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