Caution symbol, quick entry, and adventures for den leader


Two of out den leaders are having the following issues: (BSA#’s 13463557, 13681991)

  1. caution symbol appear after both names. We do not know why
  2. Why do they only see just one scout when they try to use “Quick Entry”?
  3. When they attempt to enter adventures for the other Tigers, they are unable to select a date and therefore not allowed to enter any adventures for other Tigers

Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated!


I would start by checking their names and BSA IDs in the official roster at to make sure the ones they are registered under match what’s in Scoutbook.

If those are all correct, I’d check to make sure that all of their scouts are correctly assigned to their den(s), and not either “free floating” in the pack roster or with more than one active membership. You might need to toggle the approved setting on their den memberships then save. Recently, it seems like some scout memberships are getting messed up behind the scenes.

ETA: They might only be seeing some of the scouts because being the den leader doesn’t automatically connect them to scouts added to the den. Making the den leaders den admins as well should fix that issue.

ETA2: If you don’t want to make them den admins for some reason, you could set their permissions to Edit Advancement for each of the scouts in their respective dens. That’s more cumbersome, but should also resolve the inability to edit advancement, assuming that the scouts are assigned to the correct den level (e.g. Tiger dens) and the leaders are registered as such under the accounts that are in Scoutbook.

The :warning: icon has been removed from the roster until the issues causing it to be displayed for registered individuals has been fixed.

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@AndrewMeyer3 For your first adult:

13687427 - Tiger Den Leader registration
13463557 - Tiger Adult Partner.registration

I would recommend asking your council to merge his BSA member numbers. I have merged his Scoutbook accounts. He should use his my.scouting username and password to log in to Scoutbook – not his e-mail address.

For your second adult, I only see the one BSA member number (13681991). He is currently registered as a Tiger Adult Partner, but the BSA does not consider Lion / Tiger Adult Partners to be registered adult leaders.

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