thank you. as far as my registrar has been saying he entered everything on 02/01. so I don’t know what the problem is?
Can you ask the registrar for the ticket number that was opened with National? If there is no ticket, one needs to be opened in order for National to know there is a problem that needs addressing.
i can do that. if that can help a ticket number does me no good if i can’t get it to the proper people though. can you guys see ticket numbers?
Depending upon the bucket it is in, some SUAC members may be able to view the ticket if we have the number.
ok I am on it
So, they did appoint new pack leadership? And that new pack leadership didn’t want to work with your scouts through the end of the charter? Or you didn’t want your scouts to work with them? There’s a big difference as the CO has the right to appoint whoever they want as pack leadership. (I’m not saying I necessarily agree or disagree with it).
all but 3 cubs left the pack and the parents and leadership want nothing to do with the CO ever again. the 3 cubs that stayed have older siblings in the troop they assigned their parents as leaders for their dens and also placed troop leadership with dual roles in troop and pack.
I understand the CO can appoint whomever they want. all of the leaders of the pack and the parents felt the CO broke their charter agreement not allowing use of space, denying requests to use other buildings for meetings and were way over stepping asking for all the cubs information, names birthdays, and all contact information on them to put in a database at the church.
I understand they do have access to some of that information from roster and scoutbook. But then things came aboout that the person requesting from CO didn’t have the bsa background check, was not on scoutbook properly for having false information of name and birthday in the scoutbook system… (it’s been a debacle to say the least)
I don’t see how they could have entered anything if the council didn’t sign the charter until 2/10.
HD-432372 this is the only ticket number they have given me. it was submitted on feb 10th to nationals. I believe our regestrar has sent in more than one. I was told by my district rep one was submitted today. But I was not privey to knowing the number on that ticket.
Any word on the problem statement? What can’t be done?
Your registrar is working with Member Care on your issue. I believe it will be resolved soon.
not really. It sounds like the systems aren’t connecting my district and national. but none of the other packs or troops in the area that I speak to are having any problems. I’ve also heard nationals can’t “find” our people. I don’t know who specifically or if it’s all.
ok now you’re starting to sound like my district rep…(just kidding)…lol… they’ve been saying that all month… I appreciate all help given. I’m glad it is finally getting resolved… (hopefully, truely…) Maybe I’ve made enough stink about it thias week for someone to hear… or maybe I just ticked off my district from buggig them too much…lol I don’t care as long as it’s done. So i can focus on the kids instead of the bereaucracy.
i appreciate you guys at least i got a few questions answered you have been helpful…
the “new” leadership of the pack removed anyone that didn’t show up to the pack meeting in december and then when no one showed up to den meeting in jan they removed all of those cubs from the roster. Once the key three were kicked off of scoutbook all of the prior leadership permissions to enter any data for advancements on the cubs (Nov) were removed.
No one that I know of asked the pack to remove them off of the roster. Although with the “information” sharing that the CO was asking on our roster Some may have once the key 3 were removed.
I read the ticket and there was a lot of back and forth between Member Care and your registrar on 2/28/22. The ticket is being actively worked.
super. thanks for the info
Hi I’m wondering if you can email me I have a side question to ask.
I sent you a private message. Click on the redish-brown circle with white A in the upper right corner of your forum window.
hi, me again. So We are starting to see things on scoutbook. yeah! But We have no leadership with keys to do anything with scoutbook. and my permissions as a parent I can’t even mark things complete for my own cub. Is there anything you guys can see with the help ticket or backside of things as to why there are no leaders in our unit yet?
I will see what I can find out.