Clear Cache Error on **Mobile Only**

Yes, I can access both. Scoutbook Plus opens fine from old Scoutbook, but then same errors.

So is this Safari? Firefox? Chrome?

Safari and Chrome. iOS 18.2 15 Pro

@CHRISAPALLAS - my wife just tried on her iphone and had no issues at all. So now we are down to the devices of those with the issue. Her IOS version is 18.1.1

Oh boy! Wow ok thanks. Looks like I’m stuck for now.

@CHRISAPALLAS - i did say i thought it was an Apple issue and not a scoutbook issue.

This has been reported to the developers.


I am on iOS 18.1.1 and have this same issue. First noticed on Thursday. I noticed that I also had to start logging in to advancement.scouting a second time, even though I was coming from a logged in scoutbook.

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Im getting the same error trying to update achievements on Android

Oooh the plot thickens.

@PhillipCarey2 - i would gather that you are updating cub advancement?

Yes, cubs advancement. Ive tried clearing the cache like it suggests and that didnt work.

It would be interesting if this were related to the sco800 weather hazards training.

Further update. I get the same error trying to look at my profile too! Happens with all my different profiles (ASM, parent, committee for other troops).

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