Unable to retrieve events, please try again later

When I open the app and go to the calendar, I get the error “unable to retrieve events, please try again later”

It’s been a couple of weeks and it won’t resolve. I’ve tried logging out and back in and it won’t change. There are event and information when I log both into Scout Book and Scout Book Plus.

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I know that the app hadn’t been updated for the new cub program, but I’m not seeing any issues with the calendar in the app (for my unit at least).

What version of the app is running, and on what platform?

We’re experimenting with using events on advancement.scouting.org and getting the same error.

Our advancement chair has been seeing the error “Unable to retrieve events, please try again later” for the last few weeks. As a result, no events show up for her, not even the campout event I just added for June 29/30.


She has an iPhone 12 Pro running iOS 17.5.1.

I don’t see this error (I’m a troop admin and assistant scoutmaster in Scoutbook; not sure how my permissions translate to advancement.scouting.org).

I have an iPhone 14 Pro running iOS 17.5.1.


Which version of the app are you using? If you can find out, what version of the app is your advancement chair using?

Also, the app is aimed at parents/guardians and scouts, not at scouters. I’m wondering if the new system is being more strict about accessing the app when “just” a leader.

@KennethNewquist - the red scouting app is for scouts and their parents but i do see the same even though I am a parent

Great. Now mine’s getting the same error, too.

App Version: under Android

Hopefully this helps. I’m the scoutmaster but I use the app as a parent - mostly to help other parents see and use the app

I’m a parent of a scout as well … at least until Friday when my son turns 18 and ages out.

Our advancement chair (who saw the error first) is also a parent of a current scout. As an aside, we’re a small troop. Most of our scouts have a parent who is a leader (on committee or an ASM). If we’re going to use Advancement for events, we’re going to need dual role parents/leaders to be able to reply/signup for things.

Now I’m seeing the error as well.

As far as the version of the app goes:

  • App version:
  • API target: PROD
  • App Environment: Production

@KennethNewquist - they would still be able to sign up and see events at advancements.scouting.org. The scouting app is at issue. Make sure they are good with that access.

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I’m seeing the same issue. I have reported it to the developers.

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I’ve been seeing this error for the past 2 - 3 weeks as well. As the Scoutmaster it was nice to be able to see and record attendance in this app. Much quicker than having to drill down in the websites.

That’s odd. I don’t recall being able to record attendance (or do anything else) in the app for anyone other than my own scout in the past. It was one reason I used the app so infrequently.

Yep. It was very handy, especially with the new calendar which is very clumbersome. I may move to not taking attendance online anymore.

@EmilyCardillo - interesting since the red scouting app was meant only for scouts and parents not leaders

This is the one you are talking about:

But our scribe and SPL
Can use it to take attendance.

Please excuse inaccuracies or blatant errors. My iPhone can be cheeky!


Correct, youth can use the Scouting app to take attendance. This capability has not been extended to adult leaders. We do not know if or when adult leaders may be able to use the app to take attendance.

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But they can’t without being able to see the events.

Please excuse inaccuracies or blatant errors. My iPhone can be cheeky!

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