Scoutbook Support Incident SSD-80752
Could you confirm that all of those past memberships are indeed units that scout was once a member of? I want to eliminate the possibility that there are some bad matching criteria being used by member update.
If you click on each of those memberships, does the notes field say anything?
Yes, all of those past memberships are correct.
This is a militarily Scout that has moved around quite a lot. In fact, they only lived in RI for 10 months for a military school for the father. This is why having an account that follows the Scout nation wide is important and MUST work correctly. Too many times, Military Scouts are unduly burdened because Troops are not consistent. Troops decide not to issue blue cards or update records and then a military Scout moves and has to start a requirement over. It is truly unfair.
In the notes under membership, it says:
It says that on all three that I can see. I cannot see the fourth account. I’m actually just assuming it exists because I’ve see the “Scout History Report” from an account that is not one of these 3. The highest rank on these three accounts is Star with 16 merit badges. The Scoutbook history report the family showed me (with the Scout’s name spelled wrong) has a Life rank and 19 merit badges.
It is a known issue, that does impact our military families and their units worse than most, and requires a massive amount of work to change the whole system over to a singular universal BSA Member ID.
You don’t need to convince me of the importance of this. The challenge is that every time they moved, a new Scoutbook account was created for them, it appears. I’m quite confused as to how they all came onto your roster.
In order to get access to the record that shows him as a Life Scout, go to your roster, scroll to the bottom, and click transfer in scout.
Ok: I transferred his 4th account in to our troop. I’m concerned it won’t “stick” because it says “Landon has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council”
Also: his name is spelled wrong.
Now that I’ve got al 4 accounts in my troop, they still need to be consolidated in to 1 account.
So, the one with the name spelled wrong is the most complete one. Correct? Is anything missing from it? If it has everything, I would change the spelling of the name and change your ticket to say that that’s the one you want to keep and all others can be merged into it. However, note that a merge does not merge advancement. So, make sure it really has everything first.
The reason it won’t match is it has a different bsa member number in it.
That one has all the advancement, yes. But the other accounts have other things like one had AOL and one has all his camping dates and only one is connected to his parents. Each has stuff the others do not. Super annoying! 3 have the same BSA number, which is baffling to me
The three having the same bsa member number issue is the most concerning to me. I’ve asked the developers to look into that.
Log data can be exported and then imported into the new one. I’d suggest doing the export ASAP.
AOL and Cub Scout ranks is a different issue. If all of those are on a single version of the scout. I’d go to the membership page, click the current membership, uncheck the position approved, and click update. Then, go back in, check position approved, and click update again. My hope is that that will jump start the advancement sync on that one, which will send everything to the other records with the same bsa member number within a couple days.
For all four accounts, I would print both the Cub Scout history report (if anything is on it) and the scouts bsa history report to ensure nothing gets missed. Even if it has to be entered manually down the road, at least you’ll know about it.
Nope, we had the same thing happen when one of our leaders moved from the Pack to the Troop. Someone fatfingered her last name, so suddenly she had two profiles in Scoutbook, one with the correct name, and one misspelt. Of course, that cascaded a couple other problems – the misspelt name generated a new BSA ID number, and she had completed YPT under her correct name/BSA ID number, which then caused problems at recharter…
I will capture as much information as I possibly can
There has got to be a better way for Military Scouts to be able to transfer their information without all these issues. I hope that whomever is entering the data in the future will take the time to make sure the Scout doesn’t have any other accounts before creating a new one
Do you think I should change the BSA # on the 4th account to match the other 3 and then try updating all the accounts in the way you suggested?
I already downloaded all the advancement reports on all 4 accounts yesterday. This morning I took screenshots of anything that wasn’t captured fully on the Scouts BSA History Report (such as specific information about the camping days. on the history report it just gives a total)
You won’t be able to change it yourself since it’s already in another account.
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