Connection Manager issues

I am a Key 3 Delegate and Troop Admin in Scoutbook for one troop and committee chair for another troop and do not have full control in connection manager for some scouts in both troops. all recent crossovers from a pack where I was Cubmaster and had full control in connection manager. How can this be fixed so I can assign patrols and leadership positions. Thanks,

I would start by refreshing your Troop admin position in Scoutbook by going to

My Dashboard → My Units → Unit Roster → Your Name → Positions → Troop Admin

Then, check the “Position Approved” box, and click “Update”. That’s fixed my connections to new scouts in the past. You can try something similar with the other unit for which you are Committee Chair.

If that doesn’t work, try going to Connection Manager in My Dashboard → My Units → Troop Roster → Connection Manager.

You should be able to click on your name and reset all of your permissions to “Full Control” I forget whether or not this is a function of the Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome & Firefox, but I believe it’s part of native Scoutbook.

Excellent. Thank you. That resolved the issue.

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