Connections Report

I see that this has been requested before but never addressed directly. I would like to see a report that lists all the connections to each scout. I have over 55 scouts in my unit and to go thru the process individually is very time consuming. I don’t necessarily care about phone number, email address, etc. Would just like to view the connections periodically.

The Connections Manager can be found at the bottom of your unit roster page. It places the scouts in columns and the adult leaders in rows, and shows the connection status between each pair.

Looking at this I see I have some maintenance work to do, as our troop policy is to allow all registered adults the View Profile permission, but some of my committee members are not connected to some of my newer scouts.

The roster page also has a new feature for removing old connections, such as MBCs where the badge has been awarded.


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For manageability of the number of scouts, this feature is also available on the Patrol or Den Roster page.

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