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@BrianVoigt No, I’m saying that the parent / leader has multiple Scoutbook accounts. Each Scoutbook account has a Scoutbook userID. It’s different from the BSA member ID number.
Thanks for clarifying. I definitely understand the difference between BSA IDs and Scoutbook accounts. What we didn’t realize is that there was additional Scoutbook account(s) for either the parent or youth.
The parent Scoutbook account you listed above is the one to keep. I’m assuming the other one doesn’t have any activity and isn’t linked to the primary BSA ID for the parent.
@BrianVoigt This user’s Scoutbook accounts have been merged.
I recommend that the parent / adult leader contact the local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up his children. In the “Relationships” section, he should be listed as parent only under BSA member ID number 124966442. They should remove him if listed as parent under any other BSA member numbers. Otherwise, his BSA member numbers might get switched at the next Recharter.