Counselor available for some, but not all MBs

I want to get the adults in our troop who have registered as MBC’s to appear in SB. I have a district contact to help with this, and I will provide a list of adults, and the MB’s they are qualified to counsel.
However, one MBC asked to be available at the district level for two of the MBs he counsels, but not the 3rd. The reason is that he is not comfortable counseling this badge without setting aside a full weekend and arranging his family schedule so the troop can camp at his property long enough to safely master using equipment that he maintains. I respect his concerns.
Can it be set up in Scoutbook so that a counselor is “public” for some MBs and “private” (i.e. visible only to the unit) for others?
The SB MBC guide is not entirely clear that this can be done.
For now I am going to let the district know to put him online for MB 1 and 2 and not mention anything about MB 3. That will make him “invisible” to everyone for that badge. My concern is that over time he will become our unit’s “best kept secret,” and a new scout might have interest in the badge but the adult he talks to won’t know or remember that this adult is a resource.

@Qwazse - here is what I see as an MBC


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I can add this to the backlog but I would not expect to see it anytime soon.

An MBC is always able to say no if a Scout calls.

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Thanks, Ed! I’ll stick with my current strategy and hope it works.

The adult is fairly new, and hasn’t had much practice saying no to teens, especially since he and the Mrs. love what the troop has done for his scout.

Also, last month, I was working with a scout who called the MB counselors for one badge, and got a series of “no”, then switched to a second choice badge. They were both required, so he’ll make a plan to get each eventually. But if the counselors could describe their availability a little better, the list may communicate more effectively.

I’m not gonna hover over this topic expecting the watched pot to boil faster. I figured that if it wasn’t already a feature, this one would be pretty far down the list.

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