Our troop just started using scout book and there are Cub Scout awards showing up on our troop advancement report . I can edit them out and print a report, but the cub awards keep showing up under the run report menu. How can I clear them out? Is it okay to run a report of just the cub awards or will that screw something up?
Is this in Scoutbook? Or Internet Advancement?
@cathrynharris - if you are in scoutbook could you check the scout(s) membership section to verify that there is also NOT an active pack membership listed along with the troop membership. If there is, you can put an end date on the pack membership.
Which Cub Scout advancement is appearing on a Troop advancement report? This is not supposed to happen.
There are 5 boys that i believe all came from the same pack. It is showing that they all earned engineer and the cub scout nova swing awards.
Are you seeing these in Internet Advancement or Scoutbook? Which report are they appearing on?
Sorry I’m new to this. From scout book I am going onto internet advancement . In the troop roster section i am clicking on the run report pull down menu. Its listing all the merit badges I’ve input - plus the cub awards.
I am not a Scoutbook or Internet Advancement use expert. So I am not in a position to help with the details. However you will need to be using Scoutbook OR Internet Advancement 2.0, not both.
There is no reason for units that use Scoutbook to use Internet Advancement. For more information on how to use Scoutbook see the getting started guides here
Here are some comments from another discussion topic.
@cathrynharris Could you clarify? When you say “from Scoutbook”, do you actually use Scoutbook, also? Or is that just the path you use to get to Internet Advancement?
OK, so the issue is with Internet Advancement (you are just using a link in Scoutbook to get to it). Please send an e-mail to:
Please include as much specific information as you can and screenshots (if possible). For example: Scout names, BSA ID #s, names of Cub Scout advancements that you are seeing and on which pages. Also include your troop number and council name.
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