Cub Scout History Report in Scoutbook Plus

From legacy Scoutbook, you can go into a Den, click Den Reports, and then click run Cub Scout History Report. From there, you are directed to Scoutbook Plus and you can choose multiple Scouts from the Den and pull them all up in a single report. It doesn’t appear that you can directly reach this query interface where you can select multiple Scouts and have them appear in a single report. You can query each individual Scout and pull them up one at a time, but not have all X number of Scouts in a single report UNLESS you go through legacy Scoutbook.

@KaseyBerry Reports have not been fully ported to SB+ - best to use Legacy for that

Hello! Is the intention to port that function over at some point?

All aspects of LEgacy SB are to be ported over time

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Thank you, looking forward to more features as SB+ continues to mature!

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