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Hoping someone from the Scoutbook Advisory Team can help out with this.
Short version:
Cub Scout transferred to our unit from another.
Application form was filled out, but a new account was created for them, rather than moving the original one across.
Found his original one, merged the old and new together (I believe in a previous request too!)
Scoutbook account removed from our unit after rechartering, but cannot add them back in despite trying to search for them using existing known values (ID, last name, birthdate etc).
Our Committee Chair has confirmed the Cub Scout is on our official roster post rechartering. Can someone assist us in having this Scout re-added back?
The MID you provided is from Greater Los Angeles Council. It appears your unit is in Simon Keaton Council. When anyone changes Councils a new MID is generated.
Please confirm the Scout’s MID in your roster on my.scouting.org.
Thanks; always thought the Council never being updated post merge was eventually going to cause us hassle.
I’ll get our Committee Chair to get their MID.
I have found the problem. You should see him on your Scoutbook roster after 4:00 PM today. An admin will need to put him back in the Webelos den after he appears on the roster.
I believe the reason a new Scoutbook profile was created for him is he was regsitered in CA with a middle name but in OH the middle name field was left blank. This could have prevented the system from realizing it was the same person.