Dissapearing Scout

I’ve got a Scout in my Bear Den (Pack 366), who keeps dropping from Scoutbook. He’s there in Internet Advancement and on the Pack view counts towards the number in the Den. I’ve approved his application and all of that. For the last month I just had to use the “transfer in” feature from the Pack roster 2 or 3 times a day to get him back in Scoutbook. Yes, it was annoying but it worked. Now that button is gone and in its place is a “in Council transfer” button that takes you to my.scouting.org. I enter his BSA ID #, FN, LN and birthdate. I hit search and it doesn’t find him. His BSA ID # is 12637747. Could you please look into the problem? Thank you for your help.

That BSA # does not have a current registration - might be recharter - make sure they are on recharter and start new membership with start date today - that SHOULD give you 60 days

That’s interesting. I approved the registration in application manager at least 2 weeks ago. From what I can see our recharter has finished processing. This Scout was previously in our Pack and he lapsed for a year during COVID. I know his registration is all paid. It’s possible that BAC hasn’t finished his registration. I emailed the registrar a few weeks ago and she appears to have blown me off as I’ve had no reply whatsoever. Three weeks with no reply is unacceptable in my book but I’ll it give a little a longer. I’ll probably have to try and engage the Council again. Thanks for looking into it for me, Donovan.

OH - you might have approved BEFORE recharter processed - so Scout is left off AFTER that - as they are not on recharter - call council

We have a Scout that requested a transfer to another unit, but has not finalized their unit selection. One of our ASM’s created an Inactive Patrol and moved the Scout to it. The ASM said that I have access along with our Committee Chair and Advancement Coordinator. However, when I log into Scoutbook, I cannot find the Scout’s record anywhere. We want to either restore the account in preparation for a transfer or complete the transfer to the unit of the family’s choosing. How do I regain control of this Scout’s record? We definitely do not want to lose any of his information.

The data will be safe no matter what

@ChuckNiswonger Is the Scout still on your troop roster at my.scouting?

@JenniferOlinger No. I cannot see the Scout on our roster now. I think the change the ASM made may have disassociated him with our troop. He did say that he created an Unassigned patrol, moved the Scout to that patrol, then changed the name of the patrol to “Leadership Corps”. He said that he left connections for me (the unit COR), the Scout’s parent, our Committe Chair, and the Advancement Coordinator. At this point, none of us can find the Scout’s record.

@JenniferOlinger @DonovanMcNeil Sorry Jennifer. I did not answer your question correctly. The Scout cannot be found in Scoutbook, but is on our Troop roster in my.scouting.

@ChuckNiswonger I sent you a private message.

@ChuckNiswonger What is the Scout’s BSA member number?

It is 133196221, [name removed by Moderator for privacy].

Sorry. I didn’t realize that I was not supposed to put the Scout’s name next to the Member ID. I appreciate your help in keeping this record intact.

seems to me the admin ended the membership - but all the records will remain intact with the Scout

The record is fine.

It looks like someone added an end date to the Scout’s Membership, which removed him from your troop roster in Scoutbook. I have requested a position sync, which should add him back to your roster.

Thank you. I think the ASM wanted to isolate the Scout from receiving further Troop communications that no longer applied to them as the family had decided to leave the troop. In doing so, it removed his record from our view. Once it has been restored to our roster, we’ll leave it alone until the family makes a final decision on which troop they will transfer to.

Thanks again!

unapproving membership stops most messages from Scoutbook

Thank you @DonovanMcNeil . Once his record has been restored, we might try that method until the transfer to the next unit is complete.

How long does that usually take? I can check back in a couple of days. It’s not a huge rush, but the Scout did panic when they tried to login and couldn’t get access. He will be happy to get back in!

Thanks again!

One key point under the heading of “most” @ChuckNiswonger is that any event to which a scout or adult is already invited will continue to send reminder emails, even if the membership is unapproved. However, they will no longer show up in the potential invitee list, nor in the mail recipient lists (except for unit admins/Key 3/Key 3 Delegates, I think).