Good Evening. In the Tiger Advancements then Rank requirements, ‘4a’ for cyber chip is marked done but it is not showing up on Internet Advancement reports. Why not? Also, under the Scout ‘awards’ section, the Cyber Chip requirements are different. How should Den Leaders mark Cyber Chip?
Which reports specifically is the Cyber Chip missing from?
Cyber Chip also needs to be marked as an award in and of itself.
Online youth protection security training for Cub Scouting
There may some confusion about what is required which is not reflected in Internet Advancement 2 and Scoutbook. “The safety website Cyber Chip | Boy Scouts of America (” webpage includes alternatives:
Note: For Cub Scout ranks; Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light the Cyber Chip requirement may be replace [sic] with earning the Protect Yourself Rules Adventure. Lions do not have a Cyber Chip requirement for rank. Protect Yourself Rules Adventure. If Cub Scouts use the “Protect Yourself Rules Adventure” in place of the “Cyber Chip” requirement, the adventure can not be used as an elective for rank.
(Quote characters added to clarify text.)
©2022 Boy Scouts of America
It is missing from Internet Advancement report. It is currently marked in the Scout advancement section and not showing up on report.
Thank you. Will relay same to the Den Leaders. If Protect Yourself is completed instead of Cyber Chip, if mark completed in advancements, will that show up on Internet Advancement reports?
@RSinTexas Internet Advancement has multiple reports, so it would be helpful if you could give us the name of the report (or reports) where the Cyber Chip is missing. Or the path that you take to get to the report(s).
It would also be helpful if you could provide 1 or 2 BSA member numbers of Scouts who are having this issue.
Sorry for the confusion on my end. Thank you for your patience. It is the Advancement Report. Scout number 13707261. Thank you.
Is that the name of the report?
For that Scout, it looks like the Cyber Chip was marked as Completed by the parent, but it has not been marked as Approved by a leader. An item has to be marked as Completed and Approved (but not Awarded) in order to appear on the Advancement Report.
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