I just ran a camping report to check for scouts who have completed 20 nights for the MB. I selected date scout joined boy scouts as the start date. One scout had webelo camping nights on the report. His date started scouts, bsa is the date he started cub scouts. For the other scouts, the date they started scouts, bsa is their date of crossover. which is correct?
The date should be set to the date that the scout joined a troop. That date is used for a variety of things, such as the report you ran, but also for determining OA eligibility based on nights camped.
You can correct the date by going to the Scout’s Edit Profile page.
As Charley said, it’s intended to be the date the Scout first joined the Scouts BSA program (first troop). This date can be used to filter out Cub Scout activities (camping, service hours, hiking).
Just a recommendation for troop admins or adv chairs… export the scouts data to csv and review all of the date joined scouts. Not sure if you can do this via a roster report or not.
If like me. You’ll find several dates that were entered incorrect or late by date of processing the application or transfers.
The date a scout joins BSA should reflect the day they applied and paid into the troop or the day of crossover. I found some 2-4 months past the date it should have been. Some cases it won’t matter, but most troops try to bring them on their first activities like camping soon after crossover - which may hurt their reporting of no one checks the dates.
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