In Aug 2021, our Troop received a Scout from a different Troop (BSA Mbr #125970144) in the same Council who is now getting down to the wire with their Eagle application and we are trying to confirm their official start date in Scouts BSA. The date on the SB profile says 4/1/2016. Their arrow of light/crossover is 2/27/2016. They have a MB that is dated in 3/2016. If the 4/1/2016 date is the true and accurate official date, the date of that MB would be before their BSA start. We’ve asked Council about this but haven’t received a response as of yet. If the BSA start date is actually early-3/2016, how do we officially change that BSA start date? There are a few other questions we’ll address separately…
The registration date is simply when your council processed the paperwork. It’s not when they actually started. The Eagle application is editable to use accurate dates.
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Based on dates in the Scout’s record, I suspect he crossed over during recharter time for your council so the Council will not have an accurate date.
You can set the Date Joined in Scoutbook by going to the Scout’s profile, changing the Date Joined Scouts BSA Field and clicking update.
Check with the parents to find out when he crossed over. In my experience, many Scouts cross over the same day their AOL is marked earned.
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