I’m CC, pack admin, bear den admin and appear to have full control of all scouts in my den when looking at adult connections for each scout.
I’m trying to do quick entry for an adventure for my bear den but all scouts on the roster do not show up in quick entry.
BSA ID 12822491
Bear den in Pack 2143 Atlanta area council.
I originally thought it was because new scouts haven’t earned bobcat yet but there are some new scouts without bobcat that do appear in quick entry. Not sure what the problem is.
@SteveFerguson Could you please provide a few BSA member numbers for Cub Scouts who are not showing up in Quick Entry?
(No names, please)
Are you doing Quick Entry from the main pack page? Or from a den page?
I’m going from den roster page.
This one is the most perplexing to me. 140467754
He and his twin brother are brand new. Applications submitted and accepted within the last week. Twin brother shows up this brother does not.
Here’s another bsa ID on den roste r page that doesn’t show up on quick entry.
@SteveFerguson Please try logging all the way out of Scoutbook, then log back in again.
Does not resolve the issue @JenniferOlinger
Following up on this so it doesn’t close. After multiple restarts on multiple devices I still see an incomplete roster for this den when trying to do quick entry.
I can setup a screenshare to see it if you want @SteveFerguson
sure, I’m free til 11 AM EST if you are.
I think I found a solution.
I had to go into each scouts individual advancement record (from their profile page). After looking at their non-existent advancement in scoutbook, they showed up on my quick entry list.
Is scoutbook supposed to work like that? I’m sure I can duplicate this with other dens if you want to see what I’m talking about.
yeah I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC) - will send closer to 10am CST
@SteveFerguson which pack is it?
As you are pack admin you do not need den admin - that might be part of the issue
Pack 2143 Atlanta Area Council, Northern Ridge District
I am Pack admin.
When I first noticed this it was for Bear den for which I’m also den admin/den leader.
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