New scouts added to our pack are no longer getting connections to their den leaders and unit advancement chair. As pack admin, I’ve manually fixed many of the issues through connection manager, but would like to understand if this can be fixed to add connections going forward. Any help would be appreciated.
Connections are only automatic for admins
Your Unit Advancement Chair should be so designated on the roster in A Key 3 member can go to the Unit Roster and set the functional roles for the unit. 24 hours after setting the UAC role in, the member will be set to Unit Admin in Scoutbook. This will automatically connect the UAC to all Scouts in the unit.
We recommend adding the Den Admin role to all Den Leaders. A Unit Admin can to go the Unit Roster, click on the Den Leader’s name then Positions, click +Add and add the Den Admin role. This will automatically connect the Den Leader to all Scouts in the den.
@edavignon Thank you, I will do some further investigation with my committee chair into the UAC role, he’s currently in Scoutbook with the UAC role (and not getting connections to new scouts), but not showing up for me with the pack in
With regards to den admins, I’ve got all of my leaders set up as den admins, but they are not being automatically connected with new scouts that are added into the den. They currently either need to request connection to the scouts or I need to add them as a connection manually.
Please post the BSA Member ID (no names) of the Den Leaders and we will investigate. + a BSA # of a Scout who they do not have Full Control of please
@edavignon, sure thing, thanks! Here’s one that I’ve just added to a den:
Den Leader (with Den Admin role): 137460500
Scout that should be connected: 14022605
@StephenSchmidt - I think Ed was looking for ALL of the leaders with issues.
I think the problem may be related to a Den Leader position with no den assigned that came in on 10/26/21. You have this adult registered as a Den Leader but leading a Tiger Den. I recommend you have your Charter Org Rep change his position to Tiger Den Leader. This can be done in via the unit roster page. This way if other changes are made to the leader’s record, they will come in as Tiger Den Leader.
I suggest ending the Den Leader position then going to the Den Admin role and clicking Update without making any other changes. This should connect the leader to the Scout.
@edavignon @Stephen_Hornak I’m confused and not understanding how this relates to my charter org rep (13725901) who has that position starting 11/10/2020 and how he’s even connected to a tiger den.
This is just one example of a new scout and den leader not being connected. I believe this is an issue for all den admins across my pack and I’ve fixed all of the rest of them manually via connection manager (or had den leaders request connection). I’m not sure I can provide all of the examples as they’ve already been fixed manually, but are another couple that I’ve done recently.
Leader 12105520
Scout: 137443141
Leader: 116613700
Scout: 13880342
The Charter Org Rep is the only person who can go into the roster in and change the registration of the Tiger Den Leader from Den Leader to Tiger Den Leader. Den Leaders are for Wolf and Bear dens, Tiger Den Leader for Tiger Dens and Webelos Den Leader for Webelos dens. The correct position code needs to match the position the individual holds. In the case of your Tiger Den Leader, I believe the Den Leader position that is not assigned to a den is confusing the system.
@edavignon I see. I’m guessing this is also potentially the case for Leader 12105520…in I see her listed as “Den Leader” but in Scoutbook when the den was advanced her role automatically updated to “Webelos Den Leader”
I’ll reach out to my unit committee chair and chartered org rep to see if updating the roster in solves this and will be back in touch if it does not. Thanks for your help!
How quickly after the scouts are registered are you noticing this on Scoutbook. I wonder what would happen if you just waited a day to see if the connections were added during a subsequent overnight process. (You shouldn’t have to wait for it, but it’d be good information for us to provide the developers).
@jacobfetzer I don’t believe its a timing issue between registration and taking any action. I’ve had cases where scouts have been registered in SB (sometimes sitting for multiple days), assigned to a den by me, then another several days pass and I receive an email from their den leader asking where they are.
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