Den Leader - No Access to Quick Entry

I am a den leader and for some time had access to adventure quick entry. From time to time, I’ll lose access for a month or two and then it will return. Currently, it’s been almost 3 months that I have not been able to enter advancements into scoutbook. My account is correctly listed as a den leader. My unit has removed and added me to no avail.

Help! SB UID 742451

I do get a warning as I know my email address is linked to two scout accounts. We’ve tried to get rid of the other account.

@SeanReynolds3 I think this is fixed - try it - I recommend that you contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up your children. When they look up your children, they want to check your children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that your children are connected to you as parent with Only your correct BSA member ID number 13733983

Yes! It is fixed. Thank you so much!

It is your kids relationship to another MID that is giving you issues

What is MID? Thanks for all your help.

@SeanReynolds3 - MID is Member ID number

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