Den leader not connected to Scouts

User 2695196 is our den leader, but is somehow not connected to her Scouts on Scoutbook. Can you please help! Her BSA number is 13486786

@HowardDraisen - is this person listed as a den leader on the roster at

She is listed as the Tiger Den Leader, but the den moved up to Wolves.

@HowardDraisen - was this used to advance the dens ?

I already did that several days ago. It still does not work. Please correct it or email me at church so we can fix it together.

@HowardDraisen - I just sent an email with a screen share link.

@HowardDraisen Stephen_Hornak It looks like this BSA member number is attached to 2 Scoutbook accounts. Same full name, but different dates of birth (one DOB is for an adult, the other is for a youth).

@JenniferOlinger - I suspected something along those lines

@JenniferOlinger - if you could reach out to Howard on this that would be awesome. I had wanted to initiate a screen share but this seems like a scoutbook back end fix is needed.

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@HowardDraisen I have merged her Scoutbook accounts.

When she logs in, she should log in with her my.scouting username and password – not her e-mail address.

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