Den Leader Vanished

Den Leaders have always been required to be registered. However, in the past Scoutbook did not enforce that requirement correctly. The software was fixed to correctly reflect policy.

Also, I’ve been told that our council doesn’t actually do background checks, so how do I enforce that to protect myself?

Every council does criminal background checks for registered leaders and registered youth 18 and older.

I mean - we turn in the background check forms but they don’t do anything with them. Multiple people have told me this. What if something happens? Should I just keep rescanned pdfs of what I turn in?

Your council does the CBCs - if they do not it is on them - and when National learns of it your council might no longer exist. Call the council registrar and ask them

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And my predecessors definitely told me that den leaders didn’t need to pay.

Your predecessors were wrong. I suggest if you have not already completed the online training for Committee Chairs you do so ASAP.

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I will revisit the training. Thank you

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Ok - how does a non paid member become a paid member? Can one do this from My concern is creating multiple profiles, which many of my parents have done.

It depends on if your council has online applications. If it does, they should login with my.scouting (they should be able to use the same Scoutbook login) and take youth protection. Then, fill out an online application if they can OR paper application if they can’t (write on the application the BSA id they have on their YPT cert).

Myst Account Setup.pdf (223.2 KB)

Here is first step to set up a account

In addition to the directions in the document @DonovanMcNeil posted, you/one of your other Unit Key 3 (CM, CC,
and COR) or can assist the parent(s) who are registering as a leader (aka Scouter) by checking your parent listing in the Scoutbook roster (navigate to their scout, then check the parent connections), which will show their existing BSA ID, name, and (I think) DOB. Key 3 can also check the same information in your official roster at my.scouting, if the adult has a current registration as a Tiger or Lion Adult Partner. I’ve had issues where one or more of the bits of personal information (e.g. name misspellings, nicknames, incorrect DOB) didn’t match between the existing parent registration and the adult leader application that caused a failure. Those can usually be corrected in advance by contacting the council registrar. If your registrar is really on the ball, you may be able to get everything fixed at once by attaching the information to be corrected to the adult application, and including the current BSA ID on the application form in the lower right corner.


I suspect you have been misinformed. Basic BSA® procedures and filing requirements may be found in the guide used by the council registrar.

Some councils may have additional requirements due to federal, state, territorial or local laws and regulations.

Your chartered organization representative and your council’s scout executive/CEO are responsible for approving all leaders in your unit.

If you have a question about the status of a particular adult volunteer registration, I suggest you have your chartered organization representative contact the council registrar (and council scouting executive/CEO, if necessary).


All of Scouting IT is horrible

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