Determine if multiple ID's?

I have an adult who couldnt do an online app for the Scout, they are transferring. She got frustrated and probably won’t try again, but she said she’s moved before so I want to check and see if she has multiple BSA IDs.

She is from Tukabatchee Area Council and trying to transfer to the Scout to Central GA Council. Bsa ID 137327337

Is there a way to check for multiple IDs? She is adamant about doing a paper app at this point, but I dont want Scoutbook to mess up.

Good thing to have the SBUAC check. The other issue could be if she is not in the db as parent. This is in somewhat obscure spot in my.scouting that the key 3 can see or have your council check.

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I found 2 BSA member numbers for this parent:

14278329 - Missing date of birth (DOB)

This parent also has 2 my.scouting user names. One is her e-mail address, and the other is with Google sign in turned on.

However, the real issue is that her parent relationship to the Scout is not set up. The council (Tukabatchee Area Council) should be able to set the parent relationship. Alternatively, the other parent already has the parent relationship, so could probably register under his my.scouting account.

Parent says Council is not responsive and she and the old unit leader have been trying to fix it.

Since I am in a different council as a unit leader, is there anything I can do to through my.scouting to fix it?

I know I can search and add the Scout in Scoutbook, but that does nothing for the my.scouting roster and I dont want to make it worse.


Post the BSA Member ID (no names) and we will investigate.

Child 137327337

@JenniferOlinger siad parent is

But I have not confirmed (although you guys are generally better with info than parents, lol).

Scoutbook link is established, confirmation via screenshot. Just no my.scouting linkage.

Can you tell me how to check for that? I’d like to check my unit. I am a key three. If I find some missing links, can I fix or only council?

Yes. You need to be a key 3 and login to my.scouting.
Go to the menu>your unit>my roster.
Click on one scout (and only one scout). Then go to print>Unit Advancement Details report. This report is neither printed, nor for the whole unit. It will display the Scout’s details and include their parent relationships. If you go to an adult in your unit, it shows their parent connections.


I have merged the mother’s Scoutbook accounts and will request her IDs be merged. She needs to log in using the Google Login button as that is the ID that will survive.

I can’t help with the transfer issue. If she completes a new registration for her Scout, make sure the name and DOB match exactly what is on the Scout’s Scoutbook account so the system will hopefully transfer her. If it does not, post back to the forums and we will merge the accounts.

Thank you so much for the help!

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