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I’ve noticed that IA 2.0 can sometimes be accessed on the Scoutbook Dashboard (it was there a few days ago), but other times on my.scouting.org. (it is there now). Has anyone else seen this? Can anyone tell me why? As Advancement Chair, I have not problem accessing it through Scoutbook, but the first time it was on my.scouting.org, our Committee Chair had to go in and grant me access and I was then able to update some records. Now that it is is back on my.scouting, I am denied access again. This is, of course, very inconvenient, and I could not find any forum topics or notifications that would explain this.
Are you currently having this issue, or was it a temporary issue that was resolved? Once your recharter processes, your key 3 likely needs to go into organization security manager to add your advancement chair functional role.
The functional roles specified in the Organization Security Manager reset every year once recharter is processed. They need to be reassigned. Are you certain the role is assigned in that tool?
In that case, send an email to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with details of you issue, including your name and BSA member number. Then, post your ticket number (from the automated reply subject line) back here.
I would also like to point out the resetting everyone at recharter is less than optimal (im trying not to use the word dumb). I have been Advancement Chair for my troop for 6 yrs and all of a sudden I cant access what I need. We have been trying to get my access restored for a few weeks now and no one in my troop has been able to do it. I have a COH next Monday and can not report up what has been earned. Fun times for something that hasnt been an issue for years.
Has one of your troop’s Key 3 been able to redesignate you as a Unit Advancement Chair or Key 3 Delegate using the Organization Security Manager at my.scouting.org?
The same thing happened to me. After recharter I was locked out of Internet Advancement. After many phone calls, emails,text messages our District Executive was able to get me back in the system.
This is not a new situation. When a recharter is processed, all functional roles are ended. By default, only the Key 3 (Scoutmaster/Cubmaster/Crew Advisor/Skipper, Committee Chair and Charter Org Rep) have access to Internet Advancement. One of the Key 3 members needs to go into Organization Security Manager in my.scouting.org and set the functional rolls of Key 3 Delegate and Unit Advancement Chair. After doing this, these individuals will once again have access to Internet Advancement.