Disappearing scout - transfer from another council

Hi! We have a scout who transferred in from another pack in another district to our pack. We were able to add him to our pack for a short time, but his member record seems to have been automatically ended, probably when recharter went through. I’ve tried using the button for transfer and noticed it has been updated in wording to ‘transfer in council’. Well, of course it didn’t work.

Can I get some help re-adding this scout to our pack, un-ending his record of membership with us or starting a new one?

Please PM me for BSAID and DOB.

Mike, COR

It sounds like he was never registered with you - you can post BSA # and we can look with just that - or you can also look at Roster on my.scouting.org to see if scout is there - that is official roster

Thanks! His ID:

We are Pack 91, Fort Collins

@MichaelBrake this is a Gulf Coast Council MID - he is not registered in Pack 91

Yep, the family moved from Florida, so that matches. His father showed me a membership record that showed our pack last night.

I’ve given the family our pack “invite” address, so he’ll use that to apply on my.scouting.org, I’m just hoping this doesn’t create a whole new person.

Thanks for looking into it!

It will create a new BSA # because it is a new council - I do not see a registration by that name and DOB. As long as they use same name and DOB it should not be an issue

Will I need to ask you to merge BSA IDS after that is complete? Sounds like no, just the one will be active and associated with the info the family sees and what we see.

Thanks again!

Did you check your online application manager to see if there’s a pending app?

Where did this come from?

His family has not yet followed through and applied using the invitation link I sent.

What he showed me was on scoutbook. The end record showed ended by AkelaSync so I’m guessing it was entered by another of our leaders or the family and the “official” record was never associated. Once they have applied and we have accepted, if he still has 2 accounts visible I’ll follow-up. Could take a while, so ok to close this thread down.

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