Is there a guide anywhere to how to effectively use this app? I know there’s the quick tips that it walks you through at the beginning, but those are really insufficient. Has anyone put together a document to refer to? Maybe something that says “Do not play around with this - anything added is final!”
We have an eager new leader who was about to walk out the other night because he was so frustrated with BSA for including something that clearly ought to still be in beta.
Questions we still have:

  • Is there really still no way to delete incorrect events?
  • How do you take attendance? This was the whole reason we even have bogus events. We couldn’t find anywhere to do that and I suggested that maybe it turned on after the event had started so we added an elective in the past to try. And it turned out to be a 3 meeting event which pushed all the real ones out a couple of weeks. Ugh. We could have avoided this if we weren’t trying to figure out something that ought to be in basic documentation.
  • I saw that DLE will display pack events created in Scoutbook - will it also display den events created in regular scoutbook? If so, that’s a really helpful feature that deserves to be highlighted more. We often ran out of time for the activities intended for a single meeting and had to build in another meeting later to finish up, so if we can create a meeting in regular Scoutbook to work on all those loose ends, that makes the DLE calendar a lot more useful.
  • Is there any way to add events to multiple den calendars? Our girl dens are small so either meet with another rank den or they meet with the same-age boy den. Is there any way to work this in DLE?
    I’m sure these are all questions that get asked over and over again, but I can’t find anywhere they’ve been answered. A FAQ would be really helpful!

I really appreciate how this leader was doing his best to be prepared for his first meeting by figuring out the software ahead of time, but with no way to take it for a test run beforehand, that’s really making it a challenge.


Just use regular Scoutbook for everything and use the DLE for the den leader manual.

Calendar events that you make in Scoutbook for your den and pack will show up in the DLE. If you invite scouts in the Scoutbook calendar, you can then take attendance in the calendar.

Seriously. DLE looks pretty and we all want to like it but it’s not worth the headache. I don’t bother with it at all for my den…it’s a pain in the derriere.

Just use regular Scoutbook.


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