Download everyone's YPT certificates

Can you share where in that law it would require printing of individual certificates instead of an official BSA roster-style document covering multiple people?

@ArenCambre - it requires way more than ypt and you need to actually read the law.

Oh, I see. I am not sure anyone here is suggesting that YPT alone is a 50 state solution, so you may be arguing to a point not expressed.

The main point here is asking for an easy way to provide authoritative YPT-completion verification of many adults at once. It is not to say that additional, local requirements are invalid.

There’s probably a way to phrase such a “shall” policy in terms of just the YPT evidence components. With the traditional warning that I’m not a lawyer, something like “Report XYZ shall be acceptable to councils as evidence of current YPT for scouters and participants age 18 and over using council facilities, unless local laws or regulations provide more restrictive requirements for evidence of organization-specific training completion, such as YPT.” might be a starting point.

I do think that the ability to bulk generate YPT certificates could be helpful in many situations, with or without a policy. Hopefully, the BSA thinks it’s useful enough to put it on the list for development.

Requests such as these need to go through councils, because the development teams are different (my.scouting vs. scoutbook)


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