Used Scoutbook for Den advancement for 5 years just fine. Now in a Troop and have a second ID that popped up sometime and current positions/charter is with that newer number. Old one/lower number shows my eagle, newer shows OA. Can’t fill in an email address in the newer profile, won’t allow me to reuse my email, think that is likely going to prevent any linking. Is there a fix for this that is not going to require creating a new email address?
@JamesLaing post BSA #s and we can look and advise
134139026 is profile used for charter, current position, has no email address; 110198932 has email I want to use.
LAZY Registrar (unless you did online leader application). I fixed it
Thank you. I’ll check it over and let the team know. Hoping to move forward with adding a merit badge counselor position if the email works.
Looks great. Thank you!