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I have 2 scouts and currently I have a different user for each scout. I am not able to see the user information for my account associated with my son who is a Lion but I am able to access the account associated with my daughter who is a Bear. Can these 2 accounts be merged please? I am also not sure if there is still a lingering account from when we were in Florida with Pack 727 as i see myself linked twice to my daughter. The one i would like to keep is
@DonovanMcNeil Thanks! I can now see them both and have full control. As a side note. Do you know why even though I am listed as the Den Leader and Den Admin for the Bear Den, I am not able to sign off requirements for the other members of the Den besides my daughter?
I will reach out to her again. She said everything was connected as far as she knew. I was curious if it had something to do with the initial issues we had because I transferred from a Council in Florida to a Council in Ohio and I have heard that there are issues sometimes with that.
So even though it shows me as the den leader in scoutbook I am not registered as the den leader? And this BSA # 12977582 is still Florida? and BSA # 105041783 what I am in Ohio? Does that mean that i still have 2 accounts? I am confused.
The second MID you got registering your
Scout as a Lion I think - but you are not a registered leader - that is the first issue - you need to work with unit to clear that up