Duplicate acount in scoutbook

My daughter is dual registered. Her primary troop 5163G in Heart of New England council BSA ID 140146185 is the unit that does all of her rank advancements. She was registered in july back into Western Mass council girls unit 5007G. Using the same ID number so she could participate in the conbined unit pilot in September. When they moved her into the boys unit 0007B it looks like they revived her old bsa number she had as a cub scout. Can someone remove that profile or merge them? ID in question is 13536073 which on one of the profiles is showing as current id and the correct profile 140146185 shows 135360731 as previous.

Only 140146185 should be showing in all 3 units with all rank advancements and mb. The one i want removed only shows 3 mb. Will this cause her cub scout info to be lost?

Thank you,

@TaraGilman-Sheffield as this is a Pilot Troop issue all issues have to be reported to council

I have brought it up to council and they dont know how to fix it. Whoever handled moving the scouts from girls unit to boys unit didn’t transfer her tgey revived an old number but i dont believe it was council that moved them. We got calls from someone in another state thay was handling pilot stuff but i dont know who tgat was to fix it.

National wants council to report all Pilot Troop issues is what we ere told

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Ok. I have another female scout in only the combined bous unit and a third female only in the giks unit and council says they can’t do anything. Do you know who we should be speaking to? Unfortunately our council is in the middle of a lot of transitions and extremely short staffed.

@TaraGilman-Sheffield ones not in a combined Pilot Troop we can take a look at - just post issue and the BSA # (no names) - if it is 2 councils there will always be 2 bsa#s

Each council has their own unique set of member numbers. Registering in a new council typically gets you a new member number.

Yes i inderstand that but that is not the issue. Her member number in her primary council has her old bsa cub scout number attached to it as previous id and her primary id from her prrimarry id has been linked to both units in both councils without a problem. Trhe probelm is instead of making her a multi into the boys unit which is pur combined pilot unit her old id was revived by a council in Michigan volunteered to help councils with combined unit mergers. My council in MA didn’t do it and they are so overwhelmed becasue most of the staff is gone and they dont have a lot of access to change things in scout book which is why i came here to have it fixed because similar issues have been able to be fixed here in the past.

I have one scout 140797803 that is in 5007G in brimfield and also needs to be in 0007B in brimfield.
The other scout 141185765 is in 0007B in Brimfield also needs to be in 5007G brimfield. Again council does not have enough control or options to multi register people with the new system they have.

@TaraGilman-Sheffield so they are in a Pilot Blended Troop? That is a council issue according to how National wants Pilot troop issues dealt with.

Past experience tells me this is more of an issue than you realize, despite what appears to have worked in the past. Unfortunately, we are unable to help with this. Your council professionals can reach out to national for help if they aren’t sure how to resolve it.