Duplicate member numbers

We have two youth with multiple BSA Member IDs. Can you consolidate them, please? Thank you, thank you!

(1) ID#s 128890562 & 13959322 / User id: 213165

(2) ID# 136252694 & 134009347 / User id: 9990178
The correct account should be the one where there are two last names, and the corresponding member # is 134009347.

Thanks again!

@GailAlexander the first one is simple and fixed in SB. The Second one, is the Scout Active in a Troop and a Crew? Not sure why council made a new BSA Number. I think this is more of a council question so the scout has the cleanest record moving forward

He is registered in both Troop and Crew.

yeah that is problem - 9347 was his Pack number and is now Crew - 2694 is Troop number - council needs to clean it up to one number

Thank you. We will reach out to our council.

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