Duplicate parent accounts and no access to Scouts records

Hi. I am the Scoutmaster of T455. My wife is unable to view any of my son’s records, nor is she able to send messages in Scoutbook or see anything. She is receiving all of the Scoutbook records however, which leads me to believe that she has two accounts – one which has a BSA Member ID and one which does not. Originally, these were set up with the same email account. It says “another user is using the same email address” in the My Account section of Scoutbook. I tried to changed the primary email of the account in my.scouting.org to correct that both it does not seem to work.
BSA Member ID in my.scouting: 131959272
SB User ID in the problematic SB account is: 11256589

Thanks in advance!

@JackLum this should be fixed now

You guys really work magic – so appreciated. Our Council registrar always claims these changes are not possible. I wish they would just channel folks to the right places/people who actually can. Thank you!

Your registrar could have solved this with VST

I agree and I have requested such. Honestly, I think our registrar chooses not to handle these so she does not get overwhelmed with the requests. It should not be a difficult fix IMO.

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