Duplicate Scout Profiles

My son has 2 profiles in scout book (mem#136868838) is the most current and has the correct rank. A second profile was created at recharter 2020 that is not as complete (mem# 126143361). As of this week the first membership is inactive. How do I get both of these accounts merged into one?

@ScottLounsberry Is your Scout no longer active with the ship?

He is not. It looks like someone tried to correct it bit they kept the wrong profile. He is currently a life scout. His profile has star. Can this be fixed?


I believe I understand what happened with your son’s Scoutbook accounts. I will correct the problem later today.

Your son has 2 BSA Member IDs (MID) because he has been registered in 2 Councils. Each Council has its own set of MIDs.

Your son is not current registered under either MID. If this is not correct, you will need to contact his unit leaders. His last membership, in a Sea Scott Ship ended 2/28/22 and in a Troop 1/31/21.

That makes since. He is not with the ship and the troop is a catholic unit so we have not finished recharting. The original profile Will is the most complete. He is trying to start on his eagle project so we would like to get this in order.

Thanks for your help


He is still active. He is trying finish his remaining requirements to start on his eagke project. Can someone reactivate his original membership number #136868838.

@ScottLounsberry your Scouts Active registration is 126143361 with a Troop ??? No Active Ship registration

136868838 this member number had all of his cub scout stuff, profile photo and the most complete bsa requirements completed. He is a life scout. The other profile is star rank. The other problem is that the catholic church has not returned our rechater paperwork so the whole unit is inactive. I may have to wait until the troop is reactivated.

Well the Life is not official as it has never been approved? why that is from back in 2018 I have no clue. But your biggest problem is not being registered. We can get it all right, but if not registered nothing you can do.

Thanks for checking. The church signed the recharter so we should be back up by Monday. I’m not sure why it shows not approved now. It was awarded. I was talking to the committee chair and he believes that the glitch came when the troop switch from troop master to scoutbook. Will’s pack was already in scoutbook so thats how he ended up with 2 profiles.

Signature is one thing - it still has to be entered by council and that has not happened yet

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Its up now. Can the 2 profiles be merged?

@ScottLounsberry OK - but so you understand if we merge he will lose access to the Ship officially - he might linger on the roster for 60 days - is that what you want?

That’s OK. He hasn’t been active since hurricane Laura.

@ScottLounsberry OK it is merged - the troop needs to approve that Life as they entered it.

August of 2020?

Hurricane Laura - Wikipedia

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