Duplicate Scoutbook Accounts Need Fixed

Our Troop has a few duplicate parent and leader accounts, including my own that was corrected after this year’s recharter.

Hoping we can get someone to help us clean these duplicate accounts up.

Post the BSA Member IDs or the User IDs from the Scoutbook Profiles (no names) and we will look into it.


Parent 1:

Parent 2:

The leader’s accounts have been merged. Working on the others.

Thank you! Everything looks good on the leader account.

Parent #1 is fixed. She can log in to SB with either of her my.scouting.org IDs. One is her the other is her e-mail address.

Parent #2 is fixed. She can log in with either of her my.scouting.org IDs.

Ask both to check their addresses in Scoutbook as the two accounts had different addresses.

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