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When I am creating an event in scoutbook and I select all leaders & parents, some have 2 icons where they can reply. How do I get rid of one? How do I know which one to get rid of?
Also my account has a message stating there is another account with my same email address. I am the Scoutmaster of Troop 1494 but the wrong/other me in scoutbook is linked as the scoutmaster. How do I correct this?
11711749 - Parent initials ALi is fixed. Parent needs to log in with Google Login. *
524710 - Parent initials ALa is fixed. Parent needs to log in with e-mail address. Verify e-mail address in SB is correct.
For the first parent, I recommend having your Council use Registrar Tools, look up her child and add the child under the relationships tab.
524705 - Parent 1 initials CS is fixed. Parent needs to use the part of the e-mail address before @ to log in.
524705 - Parent 2 initials GS is fixed. Parent needs to use the ID used to login on 9/18/23.
488619 - Parent initials TV is fixed. Parent needs to login with the Google Login button.
I recommend contacting your Council and asking them to look up the Scouts and using Regsitrar Tools to add the Parent/Child relationship on the relationship tab for all 3 of these parents.
The database is only showing me 2 different parents connected to 524710 with initials AL and JL. Can you post a screen shot in the private message I sent earlier?