Duplicate/Triplicate Parents

Troop 79 has a couple of Scouts with duplicate connections for parents. In each case, I have entered “Duplicate” in the Preferred Name field to differentiate the duplicate profile.

The first case is for a Star Scout with BSA Member ID 132436310. His mother has Member ID 136042039. His mother’s duplicate profile has Member ID 13165498.

The second case is for a First Class Scout with BSA Member ID 13579295. His mother has Member ID 14031414. His mother’s triplicate profiles have Member IDs 14883981 and 13595585.

The third case is for a Scout with BSA Member ID 12807366. His mother has Member ID 12806900. His mother’s duplicate profile has Member ID 137171643.

Please merge or delete the duplicate profiles.

@Bagheera nothing is that simple - on that first one - the one the mother has logged into she has opted out of Emails - the other one is not opted out - so if merged the mother will be opted out of unit emails. But basically (which is often the case) the parent has not logged in for years

The second one has 3 logins and 2 are opted out of Unit emails - last log in was 2 years ago for any of them

Same opt out with 3rd - and she has Scouts on both of her BSA#s for Renewals

Multiple Parents are annoying but do not effect units for the negative effects merging them can have without direct communications with the parents

My predecessor loathed ScoutBook and employed alternative applications for each of its functions (i.e., advancement tracking, calendaring, dues payment, etc.). That is the primary reason many of our parents have not logged into the platform in years.

I, on the other hand, prefer ScoutBook to the alternatives. However, I need to help our troop’s parents simplify the experience by removing duplicate profiles. I surmise that many have opted out of communications principally because they were receiving duplicates of each email.

Please confirm that I am understanding you correctly:

I need to ask each of these three mothers to visit her profile page on the Internet Advancement site and to check the box labeled, “I would like to receive text messages from the Boy Scouts of America.”

Only then can we remove the duplicates.

@Bagheera it is confusing - all 3 of them have Opted out of Scoutbook Emails from your Unit in at least one of their SB Accounts (all have one Opt Out and one NO Opt Out.) - and there are different email accounts - So I do not want to turn email on for a user unless I hear from that user to do it, if they took the action to opt-out. At the same time the parents are not logging into the system anyway, so those with many accounts to use as username, we do not know which one to survive and which one to retire.

@Bagheera Please have the users contact the local council. Both users have more than one username (login), so they need to let the local council know which username they want to keep.

After the username issue is fixed, I would recommend that they log in to their account at my.Scouting and double-check “My Profile” to ensure that it has their info is correct (mailing address and e-mail).

If they want to opt back in to e-mails from Scoutbook, then they should log in to Scoutbook (legacy) at:


Then go to:

Administration → My Account → Email

And switch the “Messaging Opt-Out” toggle to opt back in to e-mails from Scoutbook.

@Bagheera Correction: The third parent only has 1 username.

However, her parent / child “relationships” are split between her two BSA member ID numbers. She should ask the local council to use their Registrar Tools to look up her child (or children). In the Relationships tab / section, she should only be listed as parent under her primary BSA member ID number: 12806900. They should remove her if listed as parent under any other BSA member ID numbers. This will help to prevent future issues, such as the creation of duplicate Scoutbook accounts.