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We chartered a new Crew last year (2022) and it was populated twice in Scoutbook. Was told when 2023 recharter was processed, the duplicate would drop off. No such luck. Everyone on the roster has Crew 67 in their Scoutbook twice. We had a UC assigned this week, and he only appears in one version in Scoutbook. I also added a Scout from our male troop (T667) to the Crew now that he is 18, and he appears only once on the same version as our UC. Please keep the version of Crew 67 that has 11 Leaders and 10 Scouts and disable the other version (10 Leaders and 9 Scouts). Council is SDIC.
I terminated my roles for the duplicate unit, and that corrected the issue for me, but it’s not just my profile. ALL the members on the roster (youth, adult participants, and adult volunteers) have the duplicate unit reflected in their profiles as well. Our UC tried to correct the problem, but whatever he did, did not work. (In the process he “reactivated” most of my roles in the duplicate unit.) The only members not on the roster of the duplicate unit are the UC and the transfer member I added manually while we wait for Council to process his application to sync his registration. I fear he will be duplicated once the app goes through.