I was going to try and post on the “Attention Calendar Users” spot above but didn’t find a way. In any case, I am now (and this is just in the past couple of days) unable to send any messages. I made two attempts to send Summer Camp Information, once with multiple attachments and one with only one small one. Both had several Links in order to minimize attachments. Neither went through although they showed “Success!”. What gives? bill.mount@comcast.net - Scoutmaster Troop 543 Bristol, VT (and thanks for the help with Re-Charter! That went perfectly!)
Scoutbook is not currently on any known blacklist.
I just sent my self a test message and it was received within a few seconds.
Could you try sending a simple test message to your self?
Test message sailed right through…Pretty frustrating…
I copied the message that failed, including the hyperlinks, no attachment… It went through…
Sent it to the Treasurer and she got it, now trying with attachment…
So apparently it is the attachments… No go with a Map of the Summer Camp.
You could stick the attachment on a cloud service like Google drive and send the link, assuming that the map isn’t already available via a direct link from the camp (in which case I would just copy that link). I send links most of the time anyway, since otherwise attachments (particularly large ones or ones sent multiple times) eventually start to suck up folks’ mail quotas (unless they start deleting things).
This is the first time I have ever had an issue with an attachment. It was a photo so maybe size? In any case, I will try a few different attachment types and report back. So weird that all these issues happen in such a short time.
How large was it? Did it have an exceptionally long file name?
It was a big file, but “Yawgoogmap.tmp” was the file name. It was apparently the file size… Ugh.
@WilliamMount - i would suggest that you check with your email provider concerning the size of file attachments as many have restrictions on file size, name and type.
How big was the file?
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